What is Owner Occupied Financing

What is Owner Occupied Financing

Owner occupied financing refers to when a borrower for a property purchase will be staying and occupying said property. This is a preferred lending option for most lenders and financial institutions, because with the borrower living there they are more likely to...
Basics of a Good Debt-to-Income Ratio

Basics of a Good Debt-to-Income Ratio

When applying for a home loan, the lender is going to do some underwriting to see how much the borrowing can pay and borrow. One important metric is the Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI). This metric depicts how much debt you have versus the income you make.    You can...
“Subject To” Deals 101

“Subject To” Deals 101

When acquiring property there are many financing options beside your traditional mortgage. One unique financing option is the subject to mortgage. This approach has benefits for the buyer, yet you need to ensure it’s the best option for you.    A subject mortgage...
Assumption of Mortgage Meaning and Benefits

Assumption of Mortgage Meaning and Benefits

Assumption of a Mortgage is a unique approach to acquiring property, considered assumption property buying. What happens in this type of transaction, the buyer takes liability, and thus the payments for an existing mortgage.    When the seller has a property that...