Feb 4, 2021 | Arizona, Places, United States

Apache Trail – Beautiful Scenic Trail in the Mountains

Apache Trail

Arizona | United States

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A beautiful scenic drive that took a whole day to navigate but was full of fun and exploration. This trail that goes into the Superstition Mountains is full of scenic views, history, and nature like no other.

After getting onto the Apache Junction where the trail starts (near Scottsdale) the first stop along there was the Goldfield Ghost Town & Mine.

Continuing up the road you go up and down a lot of turns. Being built on the mountain you do spend a lot of time near the edge of the road. Compared to flat areas (my specialty in driving), these roads require attention and care. Every turn has another car that may be parked, stopped, or trying to turn, driving safe is a must.

Easier said then done when all around you are breathtaking views that require you to stop and stare in awe. It’s impressive seeing Mother Nature’s untouched landscape surround you. Being on a mountain looking out to valleys, other mountains, and great desert; it’s impressive to see humanity can even make a mark.

Thankfully there are plenty of rest/parking areas where you can get off the road to gaze out into the nature and landscape.

Me definitely not posing 🙂 Enjoying the view on a comfortable rock. Parked at a nice rest stop.

Driving up the trail, seeing a lot of rocks and views we came to some lakes (man made), and was able to relax there. The Tonto National Forest, home to Canyon Lake, was a great thing to see. With trees, some wildlife, and a nice breeze, it’s a great resting area.

Continuing on, after several hours of driving and exploring you make it to the peak of the trail. Here the view was *chefs kiss*, and it was nothing like I’ve ever seen before. Never did get tired of seeing all of this mountain.

This area has a sidewalk to let you walk around a little at the top, and you can see a lot!


Goldfield Ghost Town & Mine

First stop on the trial was this historic site that has been standing since before the 1800s. Home to some of the largest cactuses I’ve ever seen, this place was fun to explore and walk around in.

The Goldfield Arizona Territory Plaque. Where you can see the town was restored to showcase how it might have looked in the past.

Funny take on the well known 10 commandments.

Tonto National Forest

A favorite of mine, this area had water! With water there was trees, birds, and some more wildlife.



Canyon Lake

There was definitely more green so more of a shade and breeze which was nice . And seeing the contrast of the lake with the large mountains surrounding it was a great view to see.

Some cute locals just vibing on the shore, feeling mad refreshed in the desert.


Henry A Castillo

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