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Please note that while I may have a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance, please understand financial advice should be taken on a case by case basis.

What is Owner Occupied Financing

What is Owner Occupied Financing

Owner occupied financing refers to when a borrower for a property purchase will be staying and occupying said property. This is a preferred lending option for most lenders and financial institutions, because with the borrower living there they are more likely to...

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Basics of Owner Financing Deals

Basics of Owner Financing Deals

Owner Financing is a unique transaction where the seller of a property finances the purchase directly with the person or entity buying it. This can be for the entire purchase price or a portion of it.  One benefit for this arrangement is that it eliminates the bank...

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Intro to Financial Models

Intro to Financial Models

A financial model serves the purpose of interpreting financial numbers into a meaningful analysis. While they vary depending on the objective, the information gathered from financial models allows for quality decision making, a better understanding, and a simplified...

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Robinhood, A Preferred Trading Brokerage

Robinhood, A Preferred Trading Brokerage

Robinhood, A Preferred Trading Brokerage In short, my preferred #1 brokerage I use is Robinhood. It definitely gives me the most bang for my buck, since it offers commission free transactions and then some! Commission Free Transactions Optional Cash High-Yield Savings...

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