Blog Category

Real Estate

Info on real estate I’ve learned. I’ve been an investor, contractor, and property manager; I know my way around some good ole properties.

What is Owner Occupied Financing

What is Owner Occupied Financing

Owner occupied financing refers to when a borrower for a property purchase will be staying and occupying said property. This is a preferred lending option for most lenders and financial institutions, because with the borrower living there they are more likely to...

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“Subject To” Deals 101

“Subject To” Deals 101

When acquiring property there are many financing options beside your traditional mortgage. One unique financing option is the subject to mortgage. This approach has benefits for the buyer, yet you need to ensure it’s the best option for you.    A subject mortgage...

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Basics of Owner Financing Deals

Basics of Owner Financing Deals

Owner Financing is a unique transaction where the seller of a property finances the purchase directly with the person or entity buying it. This can be for the entire purchase price or a portion of it.  One benefit for this arrangement is that it eliminates the bank...

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Basics on an FHA Loan

Basics on an FHA Loan

  FHA loan stands for Federal Housing Administration, but many mistake it for First Home Application home. The reason is because this type of loan is usually used by first home buyers. This loan is a great choice for people with poor credit or without the...

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