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Info on all things tech from your favorite self taught developer.

Understanding LLMs: How They Work

Understanding LLMs: How They Work

supported by Notion AI   As the field of natural language processing (NLP) continues to grow, the development of language models has become increasingly important. One type of language model that has gained popularity in recent years is the LLM, or the Language...

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The Importance of Organized Data

The Importance of Organized Data

supported by Notion AI   Data is an essential asset for every organization, and it is used to make informed decisions across various fields, including business, healthcare, and education. However, data alone is not sufficient to make informed decisions; the...

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What is Web 3

What is Web 3

This very popular term is being used a lot to describe anything to do with blockchain, but what is it exactly? In simple terms, Web 3, refers to the next version of the internet that relies on decentralized protocols and uses less centralized companies and providers....

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Basics on Blockchain & DLT

Basics on Blockchain & DLT

Blockchain is a system of recording information that makes it more difficult to change, alter, hack, or cheat the system. In simple terms, blockchain acts as a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entirety of the network on the...

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