Dec 1, 2017 | Mexico, Places

Chichen Itza – Ancient city ruins, super fun to explore

Chichen Itza

Excavated ruins | Mexico

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Native monkeying around.

These ruins were breathtaking to see.

Super large and extensive after hours exploring I only scratched a portion of these ruins.

It was impressive now, to imagine it back when these ruins were cities with a full fledge society and civilization is crazy to think about.

There were courts, towers, roads, everything you need in a large city.


With these ruins are years of South American history, where civilization was not only present but flourishing so long ago. I’m looking forward to coming back and learning more about these ruins in the future.

Also saw a bunch of monkeys around the ruins. These ruins left unkept had the jungle come and overtake it. It’s cool to think that these ruins are only scratching the surface, where there are more layers and history deep in the ground as well.



Views from the Ruins


Natural Landscape

We can’t ignore the great climate that Mexico has, around the area I saw some great views.


Views from Mexico


Henry A Castillo

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