Apr 14, 2022 | Experience

Feeding South Florida, helping a great organization through volunteering

Link to their website: https://feedingsouthflorida.org/


I started working with Feeding South Florida in late 2021, and have been a part of their volunteer staff since.

I enjoy working with organizations that provide immediate impact, whether through donations, organized events, or volunteer work. Feeding South Florida works with all of these. They are providing food items to people who need it most in South Florida. They ensure to focus on providing quality food, with more than 70% of food distributed meeting MyPlate nutrition standards.

I organized food items, sorted through food donations, categorized meals, and helped prep delivery. I’ve helped in both their Main Warehouse location as well their Boynton Beach location.


Where hunger and lack of nutrition is a real issue for many, this organization is a lifeline for those in need.

Working with this organization is a great way to give back and see an immediate impact through your hard work and donations.

If you are looking to participate and volunteer check out this link here. And donations are a huge support, you can donate here.


Henry A Castillo

I hope to provide information that helps whoever needs it. Feel free to share with anyone you believe would benefit.

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