Nov 8, 2022 | Business, Finance, Resources

Finance & Business Terms for Use

Check out this resource on Business and Finance Terms for easy use and reference, made by yours truly on Notion.

See Notion Resource



As I’ve worked in various industries and companies I’ve come to notice a common pain point when entering, terminology. I created an easy to use reference guide for some of the jargon that I picked up along the way.

Still (and always) a work in progress, I aim to add to to this table and provide an easy to understand and reference term guide for both new professionals and veterans alike.



If you have any terms or info you think I should add, comment them below or message me!


Henry A Castillo

I hope to provide information that helps whoever needs it. Feel free to share with anyone you believe would benefit.

If you have any comments or suggestions please comment below or contact me.




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