Feb 7, 2021 | Arizona, Places, United States

Montezuma Castle National Monument – History & Science Galore

Montezuma Castle National Monument

Arizona | United States

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An ancient well preserved cliff dwelling, located in North America (Arizona). They resemble apartments in a way, just built into the limestone cliff. 

Here there was a flourishing village full of life, culture, & ingenuity. Occupied by ancestors of the Puebloan people this structure was their home.



And I definitely see why this cliff was a great place to live. The area surrounding it was beautifully serene and calm. Complete with a running river laying right across from it.



Montezuma Well

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Now still a part of the national monument area, a little ways from the Montezuma Castle lies a well of sorts. 

Montezuma Well gets water from deep underground and flows continuously. It is a sacred landscape today, a holy place for many Native American histories & cultures.


The well contains species of plants and animals found nowhere else in the world, and has a unique system. No matter what, even through drought, 1.6 million gallons of water flow through the two vents at the Well’s bottom every day. 

Under the calm water there lies a very weird ecosystem. In the water there are no fish, just freshwater leeches, and sand that produces a false bottom. No matter what equipment is sent down, it always gets pushed back out due to the vents.


Henry A Castillo

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