Nov 1, 2017 | Panama, Places

Panama City – Underappreciated city with its own waterways

Panama City

Capital city | Panama

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Raspado, a delicious shaved ice treat. Seasoned with condensed milk and unique flavors this treat was DELICIOUS.

This amazing city (and country) is grossly underrated.

The city was very modern and busy, full of people either playing soccer at the parks or conducting business from building to building.

The hustle and bustle was present at the city, but stepping a little outside of it you felt a calmness being surrounded by the water.

If you want a healthy mix of the city life without being overwhelmed this city is it.


The country itself is full of history, and I learned that it was an important bridge that allowed for life on Earth to advance.

Panama was an important bridge that not only allowed for animals to cross into new lands and expand, it affected Earth’s climate, in a way that helped Humans advance and spread as well.

While my time here was short, I am excited to visit again and see more of what this wonderful city and country has to offer.



Images from Panama City


Panama Canal

Google Maps Link


Panama Canal control center.

This manmade canal is a huge engineering achievement that affected the western hemisphere greatly. Considered a wonder of the modern world, this structure created a new route for international trade, creating a passageway through the Americas.

Created with the help of the United States this project was made to benefit the US and Americas as a whole allowing for more trade to pass through the Americas opening more economic opportunities.

Since the US handed control of the canal to Panama in 1977 (rightfully so) the canal has been managed to be both efficient and profitable. More than half of all global trade passes through this canal.

A wonder to see, this canal shows what humans can do; inspiring to me to see how we can change our environment to suit our needs and create long lasting positive change through infrastructure.


Henry A Castillo

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