Feb 1, 2019 | Italy, Places

Rome – The historic capital city of Italy


Capital city | Italy

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If cities could talk, this city could tell tales for ages. This city is unique, where once a time period has passed the city was rebuilt, with the new city added on the rubble and rock of he previous. Each layer encompasses a unique history of time. What stands has been around for generations, and full of timeless beauty and expertise.


Panoramas of Rome


Everywhere I looked there was a beautiful structure in Rome. Being such an ancient city with so much time passing through the amount of monuments and structures was staggering And no matter how much of these ancient monuments I passed, each one was breathtaking and beautiful in their own way.


Monuments in Rome


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This ancient stadium was breathtaking to see. This large structure has been around since 80 AD, and still maintains a lot of their former glory.

At this time they were mentioning how they were attempting to rebuild it, and make it so they could have shows with an audience again like they did so long ago. Hopefully this project gets completed; it would be amazing to sit at the same stadium that hosted spectacles from the Middle Ages.




Natural Outskirts of Rome

And while Rome was beautiful, both in presence and feeling, the natural landscape of Italy is not to be ignored. With hills, a beautiful temperature, and never ending terrain, exploring the area was amazing and serene.

At a local farm right on the exterior of Rome I was able to explore the terrain on horseback. I wish I had taken more pics, but I was so “in the moment” I didn’t. Amazing weather and climate, I can’t wait to go back, at least to say hi to Nino.


Rome’s beautiful landscape


Henry A Castillo

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