Feb 8, 2021 | Arizona, Places, United States

Sedona – A Place of Beautiful Energy & Views


Arizona | United States

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Red rocky desert dirt never looked so good like in Sedona. Home to Vortex’s and UFO sightings, this place was full of peace, serenity, power, and life. Besides hiking, and exploring, picture’s do it more justice than anything I could type.

Me checking around & exploring.


Energy Vortex

An energy vortex is something that is said to be a unique spot on the planet that has unique properties to create an energy vortex. Said to have multiple benefits, some even spiritual, I was curious to see for myself.

So definitely there is a special feeling in the area, so regardless of the cause, there is definitely a great feeling coming from this area. It was nice to feel refreshed, and seeing such a majestic beautiful sight.

The trail was great to explore, not every day you see red rock.

Important note, don’t want to disturb the natural environment.

No matter the reason, this place was a great sight, definitely a vortex in it’s own right.

And we got to see some locals before we left the trail

UFO Sighting

Now unfortunately I couldn’t get any images of space (due to the quality of my camera). What I could see with my eyes were lights flashing through the sky. 

What kinds of lights they were I can only assume, but I’ll take it as a UFO sighting.



Henry A Castillo

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