Sep 15, 2020 | Career

Working with SPEED from FAU | Electric Racing Team

SPEED is an electric car racing team that is focused on creating an Electric Race Car to place in competitions in Florida. One of the first and only teams (universities) in Florida to be pursuing this.


Overall Experience and Focus

I was very fortunate to be able to be both a member of and a sponsor for a great initiative from FAU.

I worked with SPEED on all things marketing, with a heavy focus on getting sponsorship material to gather donors to our team and cause. This entailed creating a great online presence1 that entailed the team mission and objectives clearly. I also focused on adding great CTAs to gather leads for both sponsors and recruiting team members. The site was full of blogs, images, social media links, the works; all in an effort to create a quality name brand that people can trust and believe in.

For the graphics I created, I went for a modern look that made sure to be consistent with the FAU & SPEED branding.

Here’s an example of a PDF graphic I made that highlighted the sponsorship package tiers.


I had a great time working with everyone at SPEED, got to meet a lot of talented people that I know will impact the world in their own way. Working alongside engineers I gained a lot of knowledge on emerging technologies. The connections I’ve made and the experience I gathered working with a team that was ramping up I carry on to my next endeavors.


Info on SPEED E-Racing Owls

SPEED E-Racing Owls Meaning:

S – Society- We are a team. We learn, grow, and achieve more together.

P – Performance- We’re aiming for the highest, and work the hardest and smartest to produce great results.

E – Empowerment- We share our knowledge and resources with each other and our community to build on the past instead of repeating it.

E – Experience- Regardless of major or interest, we all gain hands-on, practical experience to build our portfolio and increase our skill set

D – Diversity- We represent and promote the vision of more diversity among industry leaders.



Henry A Castillo

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